Sewage Treatment Plant

Sewage treatment is the process of removing contaminants from wastewater and household sewage, both runoff (effluents) and domestic. It includes physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove physical, chemical and biological contaminants. Its objective is to produce an environmentally safe fluid waste stream (or treated effluent) and a solid waste (or treated sludge) suitable for disposal or reuse (usually as farm fertilizer).

Technologies used for Sewage Treatment

◆ Surface Aerators
◆ Dissolved air floatation
◆ Clarifiers
◆ Screens
◆ Mixers
◆ Skimmers
◆ Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR)
◆ Moving Bed Bio Reactor
◆ Sludge Dryers Solar-powered
◆ Sand Filtration (Tertiary Treatment)
◆ Activated Carbon Filtration (TT)

Our STP Provides

➙ Compact Design: Takes up minimal space for easy integration.

➙ Low Maintenance & Cost-Efficient: Reduced capital and operational costs.

User-Friendly: Simple assembly with minimal training required.

Prefabricated & Mounted: The system is pre-built and housed in ISO freight containers for easy setup.

Highly Transportable: Can be easily moved to any location, unlike traditional treatment plants.

➙ No Need for Microorganisms: Operates without adding any microorganisms.

➙ Chemical-Free Operation: Functions without the need for chemical additives.

➙ Easy Startup & Automatic Operation: Fully automated, reliable, and robust with one central control panel for simplified operation.

Clog-Free System: Air distribution system designed to prevent blockages.

➙ Optional Nutrient & Ammonia Removal: Available upon request.

Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP)

Rapid industrialization is having a negative effect on the global environment. In India, pollution stemming from the improper management of industrial wastewater stands out as a significant environmental challenge, particularly with the rapid growth of the small-scale industrial sector. To combat the pollution generated by these industries, there is a strong push for adopting cleaner production technologies and implementing waste minimization strategies.
Industrial wastewater treatment encompasses the methods and processes employed to manage wastewater generated as a by-product of industrial or commercial activities. Once treated, the resulting industrial wastewater (or effluent) can either be reused or discharged into a sanitary sewer or surface water bodies in the environment. While most industries generate some level of wastewater, recent trends in developed regions focus on reducing this output or recycling wastewater within the production process. Nonetheless, numerous industries still rely on processes that lead to wastewater generation.

AQUALITY offers cutting-edge and innovative solutions to meet the needs of Industrial Waste Water Treatment.

◆ Plating & coating industry
◆ Paint booths
◆ Food Industries
◆ Manufacturing industry
◆ Pharmaceutical industry
◆ Chemical & paint manufacturing companies
◆ Textile & dyes Pulp and
◆ Paper industry Electric
◆ Power plants Iron and steel industry

Our Products

Available from 5KLD – 500KLD